Sunday, April 10, 2011

We can pretend we were eating somewhere tropic...

Last week, I decided I needed to see what I had in my freezer, and I needed to use it! I found two haddock filets, and I had bought pineapple was on sale ($.99 each) and organic mangos ($1.00 each). I decided I needed to make something tropic! Living in AZ you can always find limes at a good price (usually they are off our tree), and cilantro is always cheap. At the farmers market I had picked up avocados and tomatoes, so I of course added them to the mango salsa. I also picked up kale...all I can say is delicious!

I wanted to marinate the fish in a lime + cilantro marinade. I learned something new while making this dish too...if you marinate the fish too long in the lime juice it will "cook" it and it becomes ceviche! So here it is...Our delicious tropic dinner ☀

Mango Salsa
1 mango-peeled + cut into bite pieces
1 avocado- cut into bite size pieces
Cilantro (handful)- chopped
1 jalapeno- chopped
1 lime- juiced
1 tomato- chopped

Mix all of the ingredients together and put aside.

Lime + Cilantro Haddock
4 limes-juiced
2 garlic cloves-crushed
Cilantro (handful)-chopped
salt + pepper

Preheat the grill. Mix all of the ingredients together and pour over fish. Let marinate for 10 minutes (don't do it more or it will cook it). Place fish on foil and cook over grill for 10 minutes or until done. Let sit for about 5 minutes to let all of the juices rest. When ready to eat, top with with mango salsa. Enjoy!

Grilled Pineapple
1 whole pineapple

Peel the pineapple and cut into slices. Place on grill away from direct heat and cook for 15-20 minutes. Make sure to flip the pineapple half way through. Enjoy!

Lemon Kale
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 bunch of Kale
Juice of 1/2 of lemon
salt + pepper
Nutmeg- just a little-freshly ground if possible

Turn on heat to medium and place olive oil in large saute pan.  Chop Kale into bite size pieces and place into pan. Squeeze lemon juice over kale and stir. Add salt, pepper, and nutmeg. Make sure to mix the kale every few minutes. Cook about 10 minutes. Enjoy!

Tip of the Day: Plan your meals around what is on sale!



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