Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Sunday Project

On Sunday I decided to tackle our food cupboard. We have a TINY area, which usually just meant throwing stuff into it, and hoping it does not fall out. I was getting so sick and tired of it, so I decided to organize it with my favorite gadget...my label maker! I bought BPA free plastic containers from Costco (38 of them for $19) using my $5 off coupon. It took me less than an hour, and now I LOVE looking at it now. It also helped me to see what I actually had for canned food, and what I need to get next time I go to the grocery store.

I erased my before picture...oops! Here is it what it looks like now ♥

Tip of the Day: Take some time and organize one thing in your house that is driving you crazy! It will make you feel better when you do!



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